
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Pitty party over here

Okay, so it just hit me about an hour ago on my way home from Wal-mart (yes, you just have to go there sometimes, no matter how evil it is...) that I am going to be all alone on Christmas. Up until now I was thinking, 'hey, i can organize the closets' to keep me occupied. But seeing everyone, knowing what THEY would be doing on Christmas day, hearing all my friends tell of their grand plans to travel or bring people here, it just took my breath away. I shouldn't be sad. I have good health and a good job and Baby K will be loved, but there's something to be said about having someplace to go for Christmas and being with the people who love you. So all of you out there in internetland, appreciate your Christmas because some of us won't be so lucky.

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