
Monday, January 28, 2008

Eventually I will get it ON Friday....

Feast One Hundred & Seventy Seven
January 25th, 2008 | Category: The Feasts, 2008

How many times per day do you usually laugh?
Sometimes not at all, sometimes all day. Depends on who I am around.

What do your sunglasses look like?
Ha. I loose my sunglasses or break them all the time, so it varies practically by week!

You win a free trip to anywhere on your continent, but you have to travel by train. Where do you go?
I'd go out west. It's beautiful.

Main Course
Name one thing you consider a great quality about living in your town/city.
Thinking....thinking...still thinking...

If the sky could be another color, what color do you think would look best?
I'd like orange, but that would never work except at sunset because of the length of light rays, but hey, in my world, who cares?

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